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NCBI: 10-JUN-2013

Summary[edit | edit source]

  • organism: Staphylococcus aureus COL
  • locus tag: SACOL2261 [new locus tag: SACOL_RS11890 ]
  • pan locus tag?: SAUPAN005729000
  • symbol: moaA
  • pan gene symbol?: moaA
  • synonym:
  • product: molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A

Genome View[edit | edit source]

Gene[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • type: CDS
  • locus tag: SACOL2261 [new locus tag: SACOL_RS11890 ]
  • symbol: moaA
  • product: molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A
  • replicon: chromosome
  • strand: -
  • coordinates: 2325391..2326413
  • length: 1023
  • essential: unknown other strains

Accession numbers[edit | edit source]

Phenotype[edit | edit source]

Share your knowledge and add information here. [edit]

DNA sequence[edit | edit source]

  • 1

Protein[edit | edit source]

Protein Data Bank: 1TV7
Protein Data Bank: 1TV8
Protein Data Bank: 2FB2
Protein Data Bank: 2FB3

General[edit | edit source]

  • locus tag: SACOL2261 [new locus tag: SACOL_RS11890 ]
  • symbol: MoaA
  • description: molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A
  • length: 340
  • theoretical pI: 6.53074
  • theoretical MW: 39077.6
  • GRAVY: -0.343529

Function[edit | edit source]

  • reaction:
    EC  ExPASy
    GTP 3',8-cyclase GTP + S-adenosyl-L-methionine + reduced electron acceptor = (8S)-3',8-cyclo-7,8-dihydroguanosine 5'-triphosphate + 5'-deoxyadenosine + L-methionine + oxidized electron acceptor
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Molybdopterin molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A (TIGR02666; HMM-score: 402.8)
    and 63 more
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Molybdopterin probable molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A (TIGR02668; HMM-score: 233.3)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Other coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis enzyme PqqE (TIGR02109; HMM-score: 61.3)
    tungsten cofactor oxidoreducase radical SAM maturase (TIGR04317; HMM-score: 59.1)
    pseudo-rSAM protein/SPASM domain protein (TIGR04347; HMM-score: 52.2)
    putative metalloenzyme radical SAM/SPASM domain maturase (TIGR04311; HMM-score: 51.9)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Heme, porphyrin, and cobalamin heme b synthase (TIGR04545; EC 1.3.99.-; HMM-score: 48.9)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Heme, porphyrin, and cobalamin putative heme d1 biosynthesis radical SAM protein NirJ2 (TIGR04055; EC 1.3.99.-; HMM-score: 46.8)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Heme, porphyrin, and cobalamin 12,18-didecarboxysiroheme deacetylase (TIGR04546; HMM-score: 46.7)
    radical SAM enzyme, rSAM/lipoprotein system (TIGR04133; HMM-score: 44.9)
    GeoRSP system radical SAM/SPASM protein (TIGR04303; HMM-score: 43.1)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Heme, porphyrin, and cobalamin heme d1 biosynthesis radical SAM protein NirJ (TIGR04051; HMM-score: 41.8)
    Cellular processes Cellular processes Toxin production and resistance cytosylglucuronate decarboxylase (TIGR04466; EC 4.1.-.-; HMM-score: 41.8)
    Unknown function Enzymes of unknown specificity radical SAM protein, BA_1875 family (TIGR04053; HMM-score: 41.2)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Heme, porphyrin, and cobalamin putative heme d1 biosynthesis radical SAM protein NirJ1 (TIGR04054; HMM-score: 41)
    hopanoid biosynthesis associated radical SAM protein HpnH (TIGR03470; HMM-score: 40.6)
    SynChlorMet cassette radical SAM/SPASM protein ScmF (TIGR04251; HMM-score: 35.5)
    peptide-modifying radical SAM enzyme CbpB (TIGR04163; HMM-score: 34)
    radical SAM protein, TatD family-associated (TIGR04038; HMM-score: 33.7)
    radical SAM peptide maturase, GG-Bacteroidales family (TIGR04148; HMM-score: 33.1)
    SynChlorMet cassette radical SAM/SPASM protein ScmE (TIGR04250; HMM-score: 33)
    Unknown function Enzymes of unknown specificity archaeal radical SAM protein, PTO1314 family (TIGR03961; HMM-score: 32.8)
    antiviral radical SAM protein viperin (TIGR04278; HMM-score: 32.4)
    Genetic information processing Protein synthesis tRNA and rRNA base modification putative 7-cyano-7-deazaguanosine (preQ0) biosynthesis protein QueE (TIGR03963; HMM-score: 32.3)
    nif11-class peptide radical SAM maturase 3 (TIGR04103; HMM-score: 31.9)
    Unknown function Enzymes of unknown specificity Y_X(10)_GDL-associated radical SAM protein (TIGR03913; HMM-score: 30.1)
    His-Xaa-Ser system radical SAM maturase HxsC (TIGR03977; HMM-score: 30.1)
    radical SAM/SPASM domain protein, FxsB family (TIGR04269; HMM-score: 30.1)
    Unknown function Enzymes of unknown specificity mycofactocin radical SAM maturase (TIGR03962; HMM-score: 29.8)
    arginine 2,3-aminomutase (TIGR04468; EC 5.4.3.-; HMM-score: 29.7)
    Genetic information processing Protein fate Protein modification and repair anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase activating protein (TIGR02495; EC 1.97.-.-; HMM-score: 29)
    Metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides 2'-Deoxyribonucleotide metabolism anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase activating protein (TIGR02495; EC 1.97.-.-; HMM-score: 29)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Biotin biotin synthase (TIGR00433; EC; HMM-score: 26.4)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Other nitrogenase cofactor biosynthesis protein NifB (TIGR01290; HMM-score: 26.3)
    Metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Nitrogen fixation nitrogenase cofactor biosynthesis protein NifB (TIGR01290; HMM-score: 26.3)
    radical SAM/Cys-rich domain protein (TIGR04167; HMM-score: 26.3)
    Cellular processes Cellular processes Toxin production and resistance Cys-rich peptide radical SAM maturase CcpM (TIGR04068; HMM-score: 25.5)
    sporulation killing factor system radical SAM maturase (TIGR04403; HMM-score: 24.5)
    Genetic information processing Protein fate Protein modification and repair KxxxW cyclic peptide radical SAM maturase (TIGR04080; HMM-score: 24.4)
    Cellular processes Cellular processes Adaptations to atypical conditions KamA family protein (TIGR00238; HMM-score: 23.7)
    Cellular processes Cellular processes Biosynthesis of natural products SCIFF radical SAM maturase (TIGR03974; HMM-score: 23.6)
    radical SAM/SPASM domain protein, ACGX system (TIGR04340; HMM-score: 23.6)
    pseudo-rSAM protein, GG-Bacteroidales system (TIGR04150; HMM-score: 21.4)
    lysine-2,3-aminomutase-related protein (TIGR03822; EC 5.4.3.-; HMM-score: 21)
    radical SAM enzyme, TIGR04100 family (TIGR04100; HMM-score: 20.6)
    putative peptide-modifying radical SAM enzyme, AF0577 family (TIGR04084; HMM-score: 20.2)
    putative 7-cyano-7-deazaguanosine (preQ0) biosynthesis protein QueE (TIGR04349; HMM-score: 18.9)
    Genetic information processing Protein synthesis tRNA and rRNA base modification 7-cyano-7-deazaguanosine (preQ0) biosynthesis protein QueE (TIGR03365; HMM-score: 18.7)
    Unknown function Enzymes of unknown specificity radical SAM/CxCxxxxC motif protein YfkAB (TIGR04478; HMM-score: 18.1)
    Genetic information processing Protein synthesis tRNA and rRNA base modification wyosine biosynthesis protein TYW1 (TIGR03972; HMM-score: 17.6)
    radical SAM/SPASM domain peptide maturase, XyeB family (TIGR04496; HMM-score: 17.2)
    Genetic information processing Protein fate Protein modification and repair EF-P beta-lysylation protein EpmB (TIGR03821; EC 5.4.3.-; HMM-score: 16.8)
    lysine-2,3-aminomutase (TIGR03820; EC; HMM-score: 16.6)
    putative radical SAM enzyme, TIGR03279 family (TIGR03279; HMM-score: 16.5)
    Genetic information processing Protein fate Protein modification and repair anaerobic sulfatase maturase (TIGR03942; EC 1.1.99.-; HMM-score: 16)
    Cellular processes Cellular processes Toxin production and resistance nif11-like peptide radical SAM maturase (TIGR04064; HMM-score: 15.6)
    Genetic information processing DNA metabolism DNA replication, recombination, and repair DNA repair protein rad18 (TIGR00599; HMM-score: 15.4)
    Genetic information processing Protein fate Protein modification and repair quinohemoprotein amine dehydrogenase maturation protein (TIGR03906; HMM-score: 14.1)
    radical SAM/SPASM domain protein maturase (TIGR04463; HMM-score: 14)
    His-Xaa-Ser system radical SAM maturase HxsB (TIGR03978; HMM-score: 13.4)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Other 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase, CofH subunit (TIGR03551; EC; HMM-score: 12)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Other 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase, CofG subunit (TIGR03550; EC; HMM-score: 11.3)
    Metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Other homocitrate synthase (TIGR02660; EC; HMM-score: 11)
    Metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Nitrogen fixation homocitrate synthase (TIGR02660; EC; HMM-score: 11)
  • TheSEED  :
    • GTP 3',8-cyclase (EC
    Cofactors, Vitamins, Prosthetic Groups, Pigments Folate and pterines Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis  Cyclic pyranopterin phosphate synthase (MoaA) (EC
  • PFAM:
    no clan defined Mob_synth_C; Molybdenum Cofactor Synthesis C (PF06463; HMM-score: 133.7)
    TIM_barrel (CL0036) Radical_SAM; Radical SAM superfamily (PF04055; HMM-score: 114.7)
    and 5 more
    Radical_SAM_2; Radical SAM-like domain (PF19238; HMM-score: 23)
    4Fe-4S (CL0344) Fer4_12; 4Fe-4S single cluster domain (PF13353; HMM-score: 22.9)
    no clan defined Nif11; Nif11 domain (PF07862; HMM-score: 14.8)
    DUF3194; Protein of unknown function (DUF3194) (PF11419; HMM-score: 13.3)
    Fe_hyd_lg_C; Iron only hydrogenase large subunit, C-terminal domain (PF02906; HMM-score: 13)

Structure, modifications & cofactors[edit | edit source]

  • domains:
  • modifications:
  • cofactors: [4Fe-4S] cluster
  • effectors:

Localization[edit | edit source]

  • PSORTb: Cytoplasmic
    • Cytoplasmic Score: 7.5
    • Cytoplasmic Membrane Score: 1.15
    • Cellwall Score: 0.62
    • Extracellular Score: 0.73
    • Internal Helices: 0
  • DeepLocPro: Cytoplasmic
    • Cytoplasmic Score: 0.9749
    • Cytoplasmic Membrane Score: 0.0022
    • Cell wall & surface Score: 0
    • Extracellular Score: 0.0229
  • LocateP: Intracellular
    • Prediction by SwissProt Classification: Cytoplasmic
    • Pathway Prediction: No pathway
    • Intracellular possibility: 1
    • Signal peptide possibility: -1
    • N-terminally Anchored Score: 1
    • Predicted Cleavage Site: No CleavageSite
  • SignalP: no predicted signal peptide
    • SP(Sec/SPI): 0.007959
    • TAT(Tat/SPI): 0.000492
    • LIPO(Sec/SPII): 0.001254
  • predicted transmembrane helices (TMHMM): 0

Accession numbers[edit | edit source]

Protein sequence[edit | edit source]


Experimental data[edit | edit source]

  • experimentally validated: PeptideAtlas
  • protein localization: Cytoplasmic [1] [2]
  • quantitative data / protein copy number per cell:
  • interaction partners:

Expression & Regulation[edit | edit source]

Regulation[edit | edit source]

  • regulator:

Transcription pattern[edit | edit source]

Protein synthesis (provided by Aureolib)[edit | edit source]

Protein stability[edit | edit source]

  • half-life: no data available

Biological Material[edit | edit source]

Mutants[edit | edit source]

Expression vector[edit | edit source]

lacZ fusion[edit | edit source]

GFP fusion[edit | edit source]

two-hybrid system[edit | edit source]

FLAG-tag construct[edit | edit source]

Antibody[edit | edit source]

Other Information[edit | edit source]

You are kindly invited to share additional interesting facts.

Literature[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Dörte Becher, Kristina Hempel, Susanne Sievers, Daniela Zühlke, Jan Pané-Farré, Andreas Otto, Stephan Fuchs, Dirk Albrecht, Jörg Bernhardt, Susanne Engelmann, Uwe Völker, Jan Maarten van Dijl, Michael Hecker
    A proteomic view of an important human pathogen--towards the quantification of the entire Staphylococcus aureus proteome.
    PLoS One: 2009, 4(12);e8176
    [PubMed:19997597] [] [DOI] (I e)
  2. Andreas Otto, Jan Maarten van Dijl, Michael Hecker, Dörte Becher
    The Staphylococcus aureus proteome.
    Int J Med Microbiol: 2014, 304(2);110-20
    [PubMed:24439828] [] [DOI] (I p)

Relevant publications[edit | edit source]